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Fancy Footwork From Our Scholars!

Fancy Footwork From Our Scholars!
Prep Academic

8S travelled back in time to the 1920s this week: sun shining, the record player on, cracking tracks from the 1920s blaring out, and those exam cobwebs well and truly dusted away by the experience of learning the steps to the Charleston! Trickier than expected, yet there is no doubt in my mind that, had we been in a nightclub in Berlin back in 1928, we would have brought the house down!

The chance to live as well as learn history is an invaluable way to bring the past alive for our pupils. Our work on Germany in the 1920s has so far looked at difficulties facing the German population, so the opportunity to show the brightness and opportunity that arose in Germany was one to grasp with both hands. I delved into my collection and unearthed an original 1920s silk dress to lead the dancing, although I admit to being a better clothes horse than hoofer!

There are so many facets to be explored in History, so expect your pupils to be exposed to the stories, the sounds, the tastes, the looks, the entertainment, and so much more!

Miss P Gillow

Head of History

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Fancy Footwork From Our Scholars!