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Year 7 Science Activities Morning

Year 7 Science Activities Morning
science Prep

The renovated labs were the perfect setting for hosting the 'Science Activities Morning' and Year 7 had an absolute blast!

Pupils took part in different tasks across all three labs. Students passed through 'HZG Junior Doctor Training' whilst carrying out heart dissection learning about the different parts and their role. 

A 'Science Circus' of different investigation stations was set up across the parallel lab. Pupils used Bunsen burners to explore concepts such as 'expansion of materials'. They also designed circuits to create a police siren and lights, a different circuit to control a fan to extinguish a flame. A challenge to build a bridge to support the most weight. Microscopes were used to observe the make-up of different materials.

The final area of investigation was the 'Body Lab Olympics'. Pupils investigated their fitness by monitoring their heart rate after exercise using pulse oximeters. They explored the amount of air that their lungs can hold, competed against each other to 'guess the smell', 'identify the sound' and used their sense of touch to work out what was in a set of 5 different boxes. All to see who would collect the most points to win the Body Lab Olympics'.

Mr Brown

Click here to see all the photographs on Flickr

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Year 7 Science Activities Morning