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Religious Education

Religious Education

In this multi-cultural age, it is important to have an understanding of how others think, what they believe, and how this affects the way they live their lives.

One of the key aims of Religious Education at Hazlegrove is to encourage children to make links between the world views people have, and current affairs going on around them.

  • Considering recent natural disasters, is it possible to say that a loving God can also allow suffering?
  • Do miracles really happen?
  • Is it possible to believe in creation and the Big Bang?
  • Can it ever be right to kill another human being?
  • What happens when we die?

As pupils enter the Prep School, they study the basic beliefs and history of four major religions: Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism and Islam. In each year group we spend over half our time studying Christianity, and then compare and contrast it with the beliefs of one of the other World Religions. In Years 7 and 8 our studies are based around the Common Entrance syllabus, although we no longer take an exam at the end of Year 8. This includes Old Testament and New Testament Studies, Islam and Contemporary Issues. This course encourages pupils to consider the moral and ethical implications of their beliefs, as well as simply learning ‘facts’.

Throughout the school, we aim to encourage children to discuss and explore their own ideas and beliefs, as well as develop an understanding of the beliefs of those around them.

To enable us to do this, we have artefact boxes for each religion (containing items such as Islamic prayer mats), providing hands-on material to help the different religions come to life. We go on trips to local places of worship and make regular use of the Internet and other multi-media facilities.

We aim to provide a stimulating environment for discussion and debate, whilst also allowing people to have the space and security they need as they begin to develop their own understanding of the world around them.