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Broadening Horizons 

French thrives at Hazlegrove, throughout the School from Year 1 to 8, with the language accessible to all and with as much emphasis on the spoken side as possible, particularly with the younger children. We are continually introducing new initiatives to encourage spontaneous speaking in class as well as the use of role-play and short films to enhance these experiences. Our extra-curricular events are also a valuable part of language learning and cultural awareness. Year 3 and 5 immerse themselves in role-play in our own Hazlegrove Glacerie and Café Français, whilst the whole school celebrates Languages’ Day in September.

A highlight is undoubtedly, our wonderful Year 6 French Trip in October. We carefully select excursions to expose the children to as many cultural and conversational opportunities in a real-life context as possible, to increase their confidence and enjoyment of the subject, as much as improving their language skills. The children have a wonderful time exploring French culture and practising the language in many different contexts. The animateurs lead fun activities including a testing town trail in Avranches and a shopping challenge at a local market, as well as an exchange morning with a primary school. We visit a goat farm, a caramel factory, make bread, play boules, swim and eat delicious French cuisine, all homemade at the gite. It is a hugely beneficial and enriching experience for the children.

The children also enjoy learning Latin from Year 6 upwards, using online resources such as Socrative and Clarke’s Latin to learn the language. It is wonderful to see our budding classicists engage with the cultural aspects of the subjects, as well as our budding linguists improving their translation and grammar skills. With some fantastic results at CE and Scholarship level, as a testament to the hard work achieved by pupils and staff alike.