Overseas Pupils
Hazlegrove welcomes a small number of pupils from all parts of the world whose first language is not English.The number of children from each country is limited to facilitate integration and the children participate fully in the boarding school life and extra curricular activities.
Ideally, we recommend that pupils stay for a minimum of one year and a number will stay for several years. Many pupils transfer to a variety of English senior schools at the end of Year 8.
EAL/EFL tuition is provided on an individual and small group basis. Courses are differentiated to take into account the student's individual abilities and their future needs. Children work towards an examinable level (KET, PET and FCE) appropriate for them. They can then, if they wish, enter for these exams privately.
Tuition concentrates on the core areas of reading, writing, speaking and listening, using a variety of approaches. Language support for other areas of the curriculum is also given. As these lessons take place during the school day, pupils are withdrawn from normal lessons to receive EAL/EFL.
We expect ALL overseas pupils, whose first language is not English, staying at Hazlegrove for a year or more, to take EAL/EFL lessons when they join Hazlegrove.
An additional charge is added to the fees for this tuition as published on the annual schedule of fees.
Hazlegrove has good links with many international agencies and guardians and is still in contact with many of their previous overseas pupils.