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children walking

The Boarders enjoy a jam-packed weekend

The Boarders enjoy a jam-packed weekend

After a much deserved lie-in after a typically busy Hazlegrove week (well done boarders involved in matches, speech and drama showcase and the scholars’ music concert this week) we enjoyed a scrummy full cooked breakfast. 

We quickly made our sandwiches and then it was off to chapel where Mr Jenkins gave us a brilliant talk about listening.  Much fun was had trying to guess animal sounds, (racoon anyone??!) and well done to the Year 4, 6 and 7 teams who won the competition.

Then we whizzed over to the minibuses and set off to Frome cinema feeling rather smug as the rain poured down knowing that we were in for a real treat and that the cinema would be warm and dry. The juniors went straight in to The Lego Movie 2 (lots of jokes) while the seniors settled down to the new How to Train Your Dragon which was brilliant but rather emotional at the end.  Cue mass sobbing by the Year 8 girls.  Pocket money paid for ice creams which were enjoyed by all.  Because of the grim weather we hadn’t brought our wellies etc to the cinema and had decided to leave our picnic back at base and not go on the planned walk.  By the time we came out of the cinema the sun was out (typical!) so we made our way back to school and had an impromptu picnic outside the dining room.  A bit chilly but all good fun. 

A choice of activities followed...  A group headed off on a walk to the South Barrow park and much fun was had on the huge swing and zip wire, revision was done very willingly and intently by some seniors preparing for their exams, while some made their way to the woods and others went for a kick around on the bastion.  Hot chocolate followed at 4.00pm then it was swimming (Aerin went on a float hunt; Issy H and Georgie almost got the big float off of Caspar and Tony), ICT or six nations watching. 

Letter writing followed and the we reconvened in the dining room for a very delicious roast to round off the day.  A most fitting end to a really very pleasurable day; the children were really top notch company.

Mrs Robertson

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The Boarders enjoy a jam-packed weekend