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The boarders got into the festive spirit at Santa South West Christmas Extravaganza

The boarders got into the festive spirit at Santa South West Christmas Extravaganza

The boarders got into the Christmas spirit on Sunday with a trip to the Bath and West Showgrounds for the Santa South West Christmas Extravaganza.

We explored the Christmas market stalls offering a broad range of produce. Some invested in Cornish pasties, sweets and Churros, while others purchased gifts for their family. We made friends with 2 real reindeer before the younger children had a story telling workshop with a unicorn. (See the photos to check the authenticity of the unicorn!) After lunch, we all were entertained by the antics of the events' in-house pantomime "The Tale of Mother Goose".  Low budget, but high in terms of crowd participation and entertainment! The day was rounded off by half an hour on the ice-skating rink, with some of our boarders showing they knew their way around the rink on a pair of skates. Issy, Fergus, and Marcus were masters of the ice, while others clung desperately to the edge or entertained us all with their thrashing around in an attempt to make ice angels!

After the trip home, some free time and the traditional amazing Sunday roast, everyone headed to their boarding house for some well earned rest. A big thank you to Mr Bartlett, Mr Edwards, Mrs Hughes, Miss Taylor, Miss James and Mr Suttcliff for their help today!
Mr Jenkins.

Click here to see the photographs in our Flickr album


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The boarders got into the festive spirit at Santa South West Christmas Extravaganza