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There Has Been a ‘Very Hungry Caterpillar’ Down in Reception This Week

There Has Been a ‘Very Hungry Caterpillar’ Down in Reception This Week
Pre-Prep PrePrep

The excitement is building in the Reception class as we watch our caterpillars getting bigger and bigger!

The children cannot wait to see them begin to form their chrysalis’ and are already talking about the best places to release the butterflies. We have been using a story map of ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ to help us develop our story language and, on Monday, we received a letter from the butterfly asking us to list all the foods she ate so that she could tell the baby caterpillars. The children wrote some fantastic lists, and I was so impressed to see them using adjectives. We had delicious strawberries, oval plums and sticky chocolate cake!

In our number work we have been deepening our understanding of teen numbers and the children have enjoyed booking their pets in for treatments at the vets and paying with real money! The children thought the vets were very expensive, but we felt that 17p for an operation was quite good value!

Outside of the classroom, the children have looked at seed dispersal in Forest school, and on Wednesday we ventured out, with our magnifying glasses, on a minibeast hunt. The children found beetles, woodlice, centipedes and lots of slugs. Their excitement on discovering creatures under the upturned logs was wonderful and we decided we would come back again to look some more. It has been a wonderful week.

Mrs Sheldon

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There Has Been a ‘Very Hungry Caterpillar’ Down in Reception This Week