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Fostering a Lifelong Love for Discovery in our Hazlegrove Science Lessons

Fostering a Lifelong Love for Discovery in our Hazlegrove Science Lessons
Prep science

Hazlegrove pupils are embarking on a robust scientific journey, and a plethora of exciting experiments await them.

As they delve deeper into the fascinating world of science, their minds are expanding, and curiosity is being fuelled. Each lesson brings new discoveries and insights, sparking a thirst for knowledge that is evident in their enthusiastic participation. From dissections to exploring the laws of physics, the variety of experiments provides them with a comprehensive understanding of the world around them. Their science lessons are not just about learning facts; they are about fostering a lifelong love for discovery and understanding. The enthusiasm they exhibit in their science lessons is a testament to their eagerness to learn and their readiness to embrace the wonders of science.

Outline of a Year 7 Science Lesson

In Year 7 this week we performed a flower dissection lesson. Pupils had an introduction to the various parts of a flower. They learned about the reproductive parts of the flower and also discovered where to find each section they had previously labelled on a diagram.

After gaining a theoretical understanding, the pupils were given the opportunity to apply their knowledge in a practical setting. Each pupil was provided with a real flower to dissect. Using tweezers, they carefully separated each part of the flower, observing its characteristics and functions. They saw first-hand how the anther produces pollen, which is transferred to the stigma during pollination. They also observed how the ovary houses the ovules, which develop into seeds after fertilization. This hands-on experience not only reinforced their understanding of flower anatomy but also demonstrated the intricate workings of nature. The lesson was a vibrant blend of theory and practice, providing the pupils with a comprehensive understanding of flower biology.

Flickr album: Year 7, Science, Week 2, Spring Term 2024 | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin


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Fostering a Lifelong Love for Discovery in our Hazlegrove Science Lessons