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The children begin to look at their next year groups

The children begin to look at their next year groups
PrePrep Pre-Prep

The end of term seems to be rapidly approaching, with the days and weeks whizzing by! 

Whilst it is very exciting that the summer holidays are on the horizon, we are holding onto each precious day with your children before the end of term; before we say goodbye to our Year 2 children moving up into the Prep school and our friends leaving us at the end of the year. 

To support the children with their transition to the next year group, we had a wonderful afternoon on Thursday where the children spent time with their new teacher and took part in lots of creative activities together.  Since half term, the children seem to have shot up in height and are certainly looking ready for the next academic year.

Whilst we focus on supporting the children with this change, it is also important to recognise that this can be an unsettling time for parents too; leaving one teacher with whom you have built a relationship and putting your trust in someone new.  We hope that the ‘Introduction to…’ meetings have been helpful and enabled you to meet and start to get to know your child’s teacher next year, and please do say hello or contact them anytime if you have any questions.

Next week, we are hugely looking forward to the Nursery and Reception Athletics festivals where the children will showcase the physical development skills they have acquired over the year, and our Year 1 and 2 Sports Day where the children will take part in a variety of athletics. Linked to our school values of grace, we have been talking to the children about sportsmanship, encouraging and cheering our friends on and celebrating others, in assembly and in class, and it would be wonderful if you could have these discussions with your children at home too. It can sometimes be a little daunting for some children, especially if they don’t feel confident in sports, and we want to ensure all children feel confident to take part, something our Games teachers are brilliant at nurturing in the children.

Following Year 1 and 2’s Sports Day, we welcome you to join us for the Pre-Prep Prize Giving for N2 to Year 2 children, in the marquee on the front lawn.  It is a very special occasion and one that lets us celebrate every child’s success across the curriculum before they take the next step in their education.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!

With best wishes,

Hannah Strugnell

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The children begin to look at their next year groups