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Miss Strugnell's Round Up of the Summer Term Week 1!

Miss Strugnell's Round Up of the Summer Term Week 1!
Pre-Prep About

Welcome to the Summer term!

This term is always a fun-packed, busy one and brings with it a great buzz of excitement with so many events taking place!

We kick start the term with a sponsored cycle event next Tuesday to raise money for The Safari Simbaz Educational Centre (Charity Number: 1169946), a charity which funds the activities of the Safari Simbaz Trust in Kenya of which Chris Froome is the Ambassador.  Safari Simbaz utilises cycling as a means for children in disadvantaged communities in Kenya to build self-esteem, learn new skills and become empowered with knowledge that can sustain them economically in the future.  We are thrilled to welcome back Hazlegrove parent Nick Bourne, who is a Trustee of the charity, to host our sponsored cycle and, if you would like more information about the charity, do have a look on their website . A separate letter has been sent home with details of the day and we hope to see you there to cheer the children on!

As a school, we have decided to add a sixth value to our Whole School Values as it is one that is at the heart of all that we do here at Hazlegrove – ‘Respect’.  Respect is an incredibly important part of school life and incorporates respect towards others,  adults and children, respect for difference, of our world, and towards animals too.  Here in the Pre-Prep, we support the children with having respect through modelling this ourselves with our interactions with others, treating others how we would like to be treated, celebrating difference and exposing the children to the world beyond the cattle grid through our topics and enrichment opportunities.  We introduced our new value in assembly this week and it would be lovely if you could continue this discussion at home and talk about what respect means to you as a family.

Finally, we would like to invite any Year 2 parents who would be interested in finding out a little more about boarding at Hazlegrove in Year 3 into school on Monday 24 April at 8.20am in the Main House.  This will be an opportunity to see the boarding accommodation and meet the House Parents.  If you are interested, please could you email Ali Hunter on [email protected] .

I wish you all a wonderful weekend!

With best wishes,

Hannah Strugnell

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