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Mr Schreiber writes about the importance of an inspirational classroom environment.

My favourite author, John Steinbeck, wrote: ‘It is odd how a man believes he can think better in a special place. I have such a place, have always had it, but I know it isn't thinking I do there, but feeling and experiencing and remembering. It's a safety place—everyone must have one...’

This quote has always steered my thinking when it comes to creating my classroom space. I want my classroom to be vibrant, stimulating space where children can feel safe, comfortable, inspired - a special place. To steal another quote, this time from an interior designer: a room should never allow an eye to settle in one place.

My recipe: inspiring quotes, topical (news) information, questions to engage critical thinking, encouraging words, plants galore and calming music in the background (thanks to my record player and Ludovico Einaudi).

When our children feel relaxed within a safe environment, they are better able to engage on a deeper level with themselves and others. And taking pride in one’s classroom is always a positive starting point in conveying one’s passion for teaching and learning.

A classroom should allow our children to feel, experience and remember – and I am proud to say that the PSHE hub strives to be that place for our children.


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