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A Mega Maths Morning for Year 6

A Mega Maths Morning for Year 6
Prep Maths

Undeterred by the menacing rainclouds Year 6 got stuck into the Mega Maths Morning on Monday.

Their normal programme of morning lessons were temporary paused while they spent the morning pitting their considerable wits against a variety of maths activities. They were divided into eight mixed ability groups (each named after a famous mathematician) and the morning ran as a competition with each group moving between four very different maths stations. Each station was designed to stretch them in a slightly different way, including skills such as; orienteering and compass work, estimation, volume and capacity problem solving and finally complex number operations to match a given target number (a bit like Countdown). As always, team work was another vital skill, as they had to work together as an effective team in order to make the most of the limited time they had with each activity.

I was delighted to see how seriously all of the Year 6s took this morning of maths and despite the drizzle that chased them around the orienteering course they all really got stuck in and did their very best.

In the end it was Team Russell that won the day with a most impressive score of 38 out 40.

Top Marks Mathematicians – a super morning.

Mr Shaw

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