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An action-packed boarders' in weekend...

An action-packed boarders' in weekend...

New year’s resolutions often include giving up chocolate and doing more exercise; the boarding community at Hazlegrove must have made the following resolutions: have more fun than before, laugh more, be even friendlier and absolutely throw oneself into all that is on offer – because this is exactly what we saw the children do this weekend.

Boarders' hockey fun

Saturday saw the children making clay pottery, painting trees, playing badminton, adventuring in the woods, face painting and swimming. Many of the children were in their first hockey and netball matches of the season, with those not in matches being treated to a wide range of activities.

Boarders having fun kayaking in the swimming pool

Saturday evenings are always special ones – the houseparents always love the sight of a common room filled with happy children who all deserve a relaxing “film night”.

Mr Beverley took chapel on Sunday and shared a very important lesson – to love one another and love thy enemies. The children at Hazlegrove are all such fine examples of neighbourly love and this is no more evident than in our boarding community. Especially, when children mix across the year groups when taking part in activities, whether it be go-karting, baking or bead-making.

Playing board games in the common room

The children were treated to a plethora of activities today, ranging from hockey (two 1 and half hour sessions…my legs are feeling it tonight!), hand ball with our new deputy, Mr Vince Holden, teddy bear zip lining (Mr Robertson tested your children’s nerves with their beloved teddies zip-lining down the banisters in the main house), a gym session in the sport’s hall, cooking and tea parties, origami and decoupage. And this was just the half of the activities…

Teddy bear zip wire down the main staircase in Hazlegrove House

The second course on offer included: a beauty spa, kayaking, star wars coding activity, paper-weaved handbags, dance sessions (with our new gap, Miss Tasha Wun), board games, archery, go-karting (“drifting” the children called it!) and a first for Hazlegrove, synchronised swimming with Mrs Fenwick – the children absolutely loved this activity!

Archery in the Jubilee Wood

Boarders' spa session

The food was, as always, delicious and the children were fantastic company. We are all very fortunate to be in such a beautiful part of the world, surrounded by sweet, kind and caring children. What a terrific way to start the year! 

Click here to view the photo album from the weekend in Flickr


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An action-packed boarders' in weekend...