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It's been busy in the DT department

It's been busy in the DT department
art and dt

Year 8 have been working on electronic circuits to produce mono-amps and have worked really well at soldering the tiny components onto the boards. The casings of the amps range from a toilet to a wooden Elephant.

Year 3 have been designing and making bird/fairy houses this term. They have used a lot of wood working tools to cut out the structure and the house sides and roof tops, and the tricky windows and door shapes. They have applied lots of their maths skills to measure and calculate the lengths and sizes of various materials needed. They have made the houses weatherproof and decorated them in nature themes to camouflage them and make the birds/fairies feel safe and at home. They are lovely houses and the year 3s have worked exceptionally hard on them.

Click here to see some of the photos of the projects in our Flickr album.


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It's been busy in the DT department