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One day without shoes at Hazlegrove...

One day without shoes at Hazlegrove...
Charity General

Hazlegrove children fully embraced the idea from Toms Without Shoes campaign and went without footwear for the day. For every photograph of someone in bare feet uploaded onto Instagram, Toms will give a new pair of shoes to a child in need.

We had a group shot of 213 pairs of bare feet after Assembly this morning!

Some quotes about the day from the children:

  • "It is surprising how important shoes can be, and how much protection and comfort they give you" – Harry J
  • "It shows how easy it is to change someone’s life by doing something so simple for just one day" – George P
  • "Painful! I can see the importance of shoes especially if you are working in a factory" – Charlotte B
  • "I find it very comfortable on the grass, but quite painful on the gravel. I really see how shoes are important even just after one day!" – Faye C
  • "I feel sad for people who don’t have shoes. My feet are getting sore already" – Isabelle M
  • "Your feet feel different and not cramped up inside your shoes" – Wolfie S
  • "It is really different, because when you walk on gravel, it hurts" – Will T
  • "Painful, but eye opening" – Alex B
  • "It feels nice on the soft ground and grass, but sore on the pebbles" – Ella C
  • "It is painful not having shoes" – Isabella F
  • "Felt odd and peculiar, but a nice break from hot sweaty shoes" – Rosie T
  • "I now know how it must feel for the children whodon’t have shoes" – Holly M
  • "I feel free and I wish we could do this more often!" – Isabella B

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